We are an ITSSAR Accredited training centre for drivers and Instructors. We can train at our dedicated centre in Derby or come to your company and train on your equipment.
Train At Our Training Centre:
We train on the two main types of fork lift truck at our dedicated training centre in Derby:
Counterbalance B1
Is the machine most people call a “fork lift truck” and is used in a very wide variety of jobs.
The standard Counterbalance course is for a B1 license and qualifies the operator to use all Counterbalance trucks, three or four wheel, diesel, gas or battery, of up to 5 tonne lifting capacity.
Please contact us for information for training on larger (B2) Trucks.
Reach Trucks D1
Are designed for use on smooth flat floors and are less suitable for use outside than a counterbalance machine would be.
Industrial Reach Trucks are battery powered. Their name derives from the fact that the mast and forks can reach out to pick up a load and reach in again carrying the load partly within the length of the truck.
The Reach Truck course is for a D1 license and qualifies the operator to use all standard electric powered industrial Reach Trucks up to 8 meters.
These courses will cover not only the most effective ways to position the machine for transport and stacking but also all of the aspects of safety and stability.
Train On-Site:
Training at our centre is always preferable, as it is an accredited and controlled environment.
We offer training for:
Reach (D1) and Counterbalance (B1) at our training centre.
We can also train on site (at your company) on many other types of equipment.
Powered Pallet Trucks (A1/A2/A5)
Common onsite training is for PPT or Low Level Order Pickers (LLOP). It is a common misconception that any other forklift training means you can use a PPT. This is wrong, employees need separate training on ALL types of machinery.
Other Fork Lift Trucks
For example larger Counterbalance (B2/B3) forklifts on your site.
Also P1 Bendi, T1 Moffett, D1 & D2 Reach. C1 & C2 Side Loaders, E1 Order Picker, J1-4 Rough Terrain Telescopic and Loading Shovels.
Onsite training is quoted per course, NOT per candidate. With a maximum of 3 candidates per instructor. Please contact us for a quote.