ID Cards, Certificates & Retests

Candidates that have trained with us all receive a Certificate and an ID Card to show what equpment they are trained to use. 

 Remember training is done per lift truck. Conversions are available from one machine to another.

Our Certification:

All our certification is acreddited ITSSAR with is usable nationally, our ID cards have the drivers information, their TOPS number and the equipment they were last trained on.   
Due to cards being small, the full course information is contained on the certificate and this is what employers need to see before authorising drivers to use lit trucks. 
Certificates will contain information on the tests completed as recognised by the Accrediting Boddies Association.   
Othe information will include, equimpent details, truck type, motive power, course duration and any restrictions that my be aplicable.   
There is also full details on Central Training, we are a category 3 provider of driver and instructor training, certificates also include which instructor tested the operator. 

Do You Need A Refresher?

Drivers need to do a refresher/retest to keep their skills up to date and to conform with health and safety. 

The recomendation is between 1-5 years with most companies requiring 3 years as its in the middle of that range.  BUT if you have gone past 5 years, you can will need to retrain as an experiened operator. 
For all refresher and conversion courses we will need to see your previous appropriate certificates before commencement of the course. 
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